“Choosing this school was the best choice I think I have ever made. Before I came to New Horizons, I was in complete apathy on study. I could only muster up the courage to do one lesson every once in a while. That resulted in my not making any progress and “playing hooky” in my own house.
That all changed when Miss Joke came to Nashville to give a seminar. I listened to her and realized she had all the answers I was looking for. I gradually came uptone on my studies. I went from hating math to enjoying it. I have a new love for study that I would never have achieved without Sarah and Miss Joke. They taught me that studying doesn’t have to be an arduous and hateful thing. It can be a fun and enjoyable experience.
Not only did they turn my studies around. They helped turn me around. They made it possible for me to go up my Bridge and still go to school. -CS