Educational Videos


The Lazy Kid

Teaching History

The Child Who Lies

Are You Stressed-Out?

Unhurried Schooling

The Jittery Kid

You are MY Group

Thinking in Futures

Drilling Times Tables

Why HATE Math?

Natural Disasters

Truth vs. Opinion

Ethics vs. Discipline

Surface Area of Cones

Align to their Goals


Division of Decimals

English- Sabotaged

Why DREAD Essays?

Memory vs. Understanding

Division of Signed Numbers

Parts-Of-Speech: Nouns

Stable Datum on Percentages

Why Learn Linear Equations

Are Electronics So Bad?

Kid Who is No Longer Himself

How to Create Interest in Grammar

PI – Circumference and Area of Circles

Intentions of Curriculum Writers

Multiplication of Signed Numbers

Importance of Assigning Importance

Simplest Explanation – Multiplying Fractions

Making a Dictionary

Love of Reading